Creating user accounts

For access to and administration of the back end database we recommend setting up 2 user accounts.

An administrative account (eg. ATadmin) that has full rights to create and delete databases, tables and records. This account should be used only for initializing the database, upgrading to a new version or doing maintenance on the system. This username and password would only be given to the person or persons who will be administering the system.

A user account (eg. ATuser) that has the rights to create and delete records. This username and password will be distributed to all users of the system.


Steps for creating these accounts

  1. Click Accounts (on Mac) or User Administration (on Windows)
  2. Click the add new user button
  3. Enter the username for the administration account (eg. ATadmin)
  4. Type in the password and confirm password
  5. Select the Schema Privileges tab
  6. Click on the Schema you created in step 3
  7. Add all available privileges to this user. Note on a Mac you need to select a host. This done by clicking the triangle next to the user. The % is a wild card to indicate all hosts
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 for the user account (eg. ATuser) with exception of only adding the Select, Insert, Update, Delete and Lock_tables privileges


For Oracle the steps are slightly different. The user account can’t be made until the database has been initialized (Step 5) Steps for creating these accounts

  1. To create the administrative account (eg. ATadmin) the sql command is:
    * grant all privileges on [DB NAME].* to '[AdminUserName]'@'[host]' identified by'[AdminUserPassowrd]' with grant option;
  2. To create the user account (eg. ATuser) the sql command is:
    * grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, LOCK TABLES on [DB NAME].* to '[BasicUserName]'@'[host]' identified by'[BasicUserPassword]' with grant option;
  3. Creating a blank database | Initializing Overview | Initializing the database using the Archivists’ Toolkit Maintenance program