Sandbox (version 1.0)

The Archivists' Toolkit is hosting a sandbox so people can play around with a live system without having to install a backend database.

Steps to use the sandbox

  1. Download the latest version of the Archivists' Toolkit client. Click here to go to the download page.
  2. Run the installer
  3. Launch the application.
  4. A window will open and request connection information, which must
    be completed for the application to fully load.
  5. Enter and submit the connection information requested:
    • Connection URL: jdbc:mysql://
    • User Name: atuser
    • Password: cr4ckA1t

      The connection window should only appear for the first launching
      of the application. If the connection window appears again, make
      sure you have entered the three data elements without either leading,
      internal, or trailing spaces.

      [In the event of a second installation, the startup process will
      result first in an error message stating: "There appears to
      be a problem with the user parameters." Click "ok"
      if that error message appears. Doing so will result in the user
      parameter windows appearing with the user parameters entered. Check
      to make sure the parameters are correct and do not contain superfluous
      spaces. Click ok.]

  6. We are providing a number of test usernames so you can test out the system from a variety of access levels. Below is a table of the various usernames, passwords and access levels
      Superuser Repository Manager Project Manager Advanced Data Entry Beginning Data Entry
    Username superuser repmanager projmanager advdataentry begdataentry
    Password at at at at at
  7. Enter and submit logon information.
  8. When the connection parameters and logon values are are correctly
    submitted, the load process will continue and the initial window for
    the application will open.
  9. You may close the application by closing the primary / base application
  10. Requesting support: Please send all inquiries, reports, and requests for support concerning the application to the Archivists Toolkit User Group (ATUG-l can be subscribed to at http:// atug-l) and / or to Please do not contact project staff
    directly via their email addresses or telephone numbers.
    Sending messages to ATUG-l or to will
    ensure that your question or report is responded to in a more
    timely manner.