Archivists’ Toolkit Version 1.1: User Manual

Issued February 6, 2008

We are in the process of updating the AT User Manual for version 2.0. Currently, there are three user manuals (AT 1.0, AT 1.1 and AT 1.5/1.5.9). For guidance on AT 2.0, please refer to the AT 1.5/ 1.5.9 User Manual as well as the New Features document.

Complete PDF version of the User Manual (download and printing may take considerable time).
Click on a label below to download an individual section of the User Manual:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Acquiring and installing the Archivists' Toolkit
Chapter 3: Archivists' Toolkit Basics
Chapter 4: Searching
Chapter 5: Managing the Archivists' Toolkit
Chapter 6: Importing Data
Chapter 7: Accessioning Archival Materials
Chapter 8: Deaccessioning Materials
Chapter 9: Describing Archival Materials
Chapter 10: Describing Digital Objects
Chapter 11: Managing Access Terms
Chapter 12: Linking Name and Subject Records
Chapter 13: Creating and Assigning Locations
Chapter 14: Generating Outputs
Chapter 15: Customizing the Archivists' Toolkit
User Permissions Table
Record Validation Rules
Unique Constraints
Lookup Lists
Search Editor Defaults
List Screen Defaults
Fields Supporting Default Values
Preparing Tab-delimited Accession Files
Preparing XML Accession Files
Support and Upgrades
Report Descriptions Only

Sample Reports (All reports)

Generate Repository Profile

Accession intellectual property status

Accession inventory

Accession processing plan

Accession production report

Accession receipt

Accession record(s)

Accession acquired

Accessions cataloged

Accessions not cataloged

Accessions processed

Accession unprocessed

Accessions with deaccessions

Accessions with linked names and subjects list

Accessions with rights transferred

Location shelf list/locations with resource or accession record(s)

Name record(s)

Name list

Names with accession(s)

Names with non-preferred names

Names with resource(s)

Names with resource(s) and accession(s)

Resource record(s)

Resource(s) restricted

Resource(s) with location(s)

Resource(s) with name(s) linked as creator

Resourc(s) with name(s) linked as source

Resource(s) with name(s) linked as subjects and with subjects

Resources list

Resources with deaccessions

Subject record(s)

Subject(s) with linked accession(s) and resource(s)

Data Maps
Import maps (EAD and MARCXML)
Export maps (EAD, MARCXML, MODS, DC & METS)