Community Created Add Ons to the AT
Type![]() |
AT EAD > PDF XSLT (with version 1.5.9) | Stylesheet used by the Archivists' Toolkit for transforming EAD output to PDF format. Written by Winona Salesky. | EAD Stylesheet |
AT EAD > HTML XSLT (with version 1.5.9) | Stylesheet used by the Archivists' Toolkit for transforming EAD output to HTML. Written by Winona Salesky. | EAD Stylesheet |
Multiple Extent Plugin | Plugin to allow primary and alternate extent entry for accession and resource records (based on the BYU Multiple Date and Phys. Desc. plugin) | AT Plugin |
BatchDO2.1 Plugin | This plugin is used automate the creation and linking of digitial objects to resource components. | AT Plugin |
Sample LDAP Authentication Plugin | Sample LDAP authentication plugin which allows authentication of AT users using a ldap server | AT Plugin |
AT-CLI-Export-Plugin | Command Liine Export of Finding Aids and MARC Records | AT Plugin |
InternalOnly Resource plugin | Internal Only Resource plugin | AT Plugin |
Survey Info Plugin | Plugin that demonstrates methods to transfer data between the AT and an Access database | AT Plugin |
Multiple Date and Physical Description custom import and export | Custom import and export to support Multiple Date and Physical Description records | AT Plugin |
Multiple Date and Physical Description custom panels | This plugin enables the entry of multiple date entries and multiple physical descriptions. | AT Plugin |
AT Digital Object Plugin (with METS ID) | Imports batches of digital objects | AT Plugin |
AT Digital Object Plugin (without METS ID) | A simple plugin for loading batches of Digital Objects (version that doesn't populate METS ID) | AT Plugin |
Plugin Tasks: Instance/container information assignment & using barcodes for containers | A Plugin developed for Yale by Lee Mandell | AT Plugin |
Analog Instance Editor | A Specialized Analog Instance Editor developed for Yale archives | AT Plugin |
EADFix v1.0 | A plugin used to fix problems with EAD files. So far only thing it does is assign persitent ids, but can be extend to fix other problems with EADs. Website: n/a | AT Plugin |
ATDevPlugin v1.0 | A simple plugin that the development team uses for testing different aspects of the program. For example, record loading, new UI components, and so on. Website: n/a | AT Plugin |
ShootList Plugin v1.0 | A simple plugin that generates a shootlist from a resource record consisting of a resource component's title and persistent ID. | AT Plugin |
Table version of Digital Object File Version report | Displays all file versions (at top and component levels) for selected Digital Objects. Includes Digital Object Id, Component ID, Title/Label, File URI and File Use Statement. Data is in table structure compatible with saving in xls or csv file formats. | Jasper Report |
Location report with Location Note | This report is essentially the same as the default location report, but includes the "Location Note" which can be added when associating an Accession with a Location. Zip file includes report, sub-reports and sample output (pdf). | Jasper Report |
Application Bugs
Bug reports can
be transmitted using the bug report function in the application. Otherwise they should be sent to the AT project at
Other comments or questions should also be sent to
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