Multiple Date and Physical Description custom import and export

This plugin supports importing and exporting for multiple date and physical description records.

Available formats include:

Custom Imports

  • EAD
  • Accession

Custom Exports

  • EAD
  • Dublin Core
  • MODS
  • Dublin Core

Files may be imported and exported manually by accessing the Custom Import/Export option on
the Import Menu, and then selecting the desired format.

The plugin also includes an integrated command-line interface (CLI) for bulk exports of resource
records in EAD and MARCXML formats. This functionality is based on the AT-CLI plug-in,
and supports the parameters included in that tool (see Github repository documentation at https:/
/ However, there are
some minor differences, such as a change in the task name value (exportBYU) and in the type of
export (-eadb or -marcb). This results in a command such as the example below:

./atcli mydatabasepassword exportBYU ~/path/for/exported/files/ -eadb -marcb

This plugin is designed to be used in conjunction with the Multiple Date and Physical Description custom panels plugin
The plugin was developed for Brigham Young University. Programmers involved in the project
include Lee Mandell ( and Nathan Stevens (

BYU Import /Export Plugin Updated
Brigham Young University
Custom import and export to support Multiple Date and Physical Description records