Unicode font support (ThaI)

I briefly tried entering Thai terms into the AT sandbox, and got "blank squares," indicating that this font is not supported by AT. Is this right? Are there any plans to add unicode fonts such as Thai? Also, does anyone know of archive management software that does support Thai fonts? Thanks!

Unicode issue

I am the archivist for a First Nation Archives and am trying to use Arial Unicode MS as it is the closest Unicode that their language can be transcribed in. I have the same issue in the sandbox version as Karen does when entering Thai, all i get are squares.

unicode fix


Inconsistencies with UTF-8 encoded data into AT, tracked in ART-1715 (https://jira.nyu.edu:8443/jira/browse/ART-1715) and is now fixed with release of AT version 2.0 update 5 (available in the 'download' section - http://archiviststoolkit.org/download/release/2_0)

Hi, Karen, The AT is Unicode

Hi, Karen,

The AT is Unicode compliant, so I believe it should handle Thai fonts, although we have never tested it ourselves against Thai fonts. But you can do that yourself. See if you can put Thai characters in a field, if you can change the labels in the UI to Thai characters, and if you can export data with Thai characters. Let us know if you run into problems, as we'll be interested in knowing about them.

Thanks for your inquiry,
Brad Westbrook