ArchivesSpace version 0.5.2 now available for testing

The latest version of ArchivesSpace -- version 0.5.2 -- contains a number of new features, including a Rapid Data Entry option within the Resources module to support the quick creation of multiple component records. For a summary of additional features in this release, see the ArchivesSpace website

The ArchivesSpace team encourages you to continue to test the software, and welcomes your ongoing feedback on its functionality and usability. Your input is being directly incorporated into the development process, as the technical team continues to work towards the August release of ArchivesSpace 1.0.

As a reminder, you can test and explore the latest release of ArchivesSpace, using one of two options below.

1) Utilize our hosted instance of the software.

We are providing a "Sandbox" hosted instance of ArchivesSpace, so you don't need to install anything to explore and test its features. This openly available instance is upgraded every two weeks to reflect the latest release of the software. Please note that any data entered into this test instance will be deleted with every upgrade. Consult our Software Testing Help guide for instructions on accessing the administrative and public interfaces, to test and provide feedback on the software. Report problems or issues you encountered, note suggestions, or send any other comments using the Feedback form, linked from the footer of all pages of the administrative and public interfaces.

2) Install the software, and run a locally hosted instance.

ArchivesSpace is open source software, and its source code is available on Github If you'd like to test out the installation of the software (in lieu of using our hosted instance), build instructions and technical documentation are available. As a disclaimer, no technical support is currently available for test installations, but the ArchivesSpace developers welcome feedback pertaining to the installation process. If you have trouble getting a test server running, feel free to ask for help or report problems to the ArchivesSpace Google Group email list

-- Adrian