AT digital object metadata import: tab-delimited file "template"

The attached document comprises an Excel file, which can serve as a "template" and reference for formatting digital object metadata, for importing into the AT:

  • The first tab comprises the template -- the column headers map to the internal AT data model. You can use this as a target, for formatting your metadata for import. Retain the first row of data, which the AT needs for mapping the data on import. You'll need to ultimately save the file as a tab-delimited TXT file, for importing.
  • The second and third tabs comprise examples of formatting metadata for A) simple objects and B) compound objects, respectively.
  • A. In the case of simple objects, each row reflects metadata for a given simple object -- note that Column B should indicate "FALSE" for each record, given that the simple object won't have components.

    B. In the case of complex objects, use Column B to indicate "TRUE" for component-level metadata for a given record.


Adrian Turner
California Digital Library
(714) 289-1822

at_do_import_template.xls33 KB