Archivists' Toolkit / Archon Roundtable at SAA 2013, New Orleans

The Archivists' Toolkit / Archon Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists held its annual meeting on Wednesday, Aug 14, 2013, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM in Grand Salon 21/24 of the conference hotel, Hilton New Orleans Riverside.

Tentative agenda from the ATART Steering Committee via Sasha Griffin, Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect:

3:00 - 3:20 Announcements and Open Mic
We invite you to say a few words if you have a project or something notable to share with the Roundtable.

3:20 - 3:50 ArchivesSpace Panel Q&A
Members of the ArchivesSpace team will be available to answer questions and clarify information in their response to the Open Letter to the ArchivesSpace Project Team from ATART. Please take some time to review their response to this letter, available here:

3:50 - 5:00 Discussion: Identity of the Roundtable and its Future
This discussion time will begin the conversation of where and how ATART should direct its focus in the coming years. We hope that attendees will share their thoughts and comments in an open-forum style discussion.

We would also like to state our intentions for streaming this meeting. We understand that many of our members and interested parties may not be able to attend our meeting. Specific instructions will be sent out around 2:30 Central time to the listserv. This will include the link to view the stream (we will most likely use Ustream) and instructions to ask us questions or give comments virtually. We ask for your patience and understanding in this endeavor, as this will be the first time we've tried this!